LIS Well-being Philosophy Statement


At LIS, we believe that learning is a social and emotional process and that the development of cognitive, affective and social skills are essential to the holistic development of a person.  All members of LIS contribute to the well-being of the community and we believe that this is fundamental to the identity of our school. Learning happens best in an environment that is safe and based on trust, mutual respect and support.  As such, teaching and practicing well-being permeates our whole school curriculum and is not a stand-alone programme. Because of this, we

  • Value and Facilitate learning opportunities that are relevant, inclusive and authentic.
  • Provide space for student leadership and agency.
  • Empower students to have the knowledge, awareness and courage to make reasoned decisions.
  • Guide students to self-regulate and recognize the connections between behavior and consequence.
  • Understand mistakes are opportunities to grow and learn.
  • Encourage students to be their best selves through an understanding of identity and role in society.
  • Motivate students to create positive change in the world.
20 May

Respect for ourselves and others, our environment, and our cultural contexts guides our thoughts, actions and relationships.

On Friday, 21 April 2017, LIS participated in World Earth Day. What an amazing day it was! We focused our collective efforts on this central idea: Together we can empower everyone with the knowledge to inspire action in defense of the environment.


20 May

A strong community is built on inclusion, participation, communication, kindness and mutual respect.

Luanda International School celebrated Angolan Independence Day on 10 November 2017. The celebration assembly was a real endorsement of our school mission and commitment to play a greater role here in Angola.


20 May

Respect for ourselves and others, our environment, and our cultural contexts guides our thoughts, actions and relationships.

George’s journey from Angola to the Republic of Congo did not have a happy beginning. George, a chimpanzee, was stolen from his forest home and family for the illegal pet trade. Thankfully, he was found by Dr. Cristina of Casa dos Animais.