Middle Years Programme

Middle Years Programme (MYP)

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a conceptual and skills based curriculum framework which helps students develop both subject-specific and interdisciplinary understanding. The MYP curriculum framework includes:

  • Approaches to learning (ATL) skills. These help our students learn how to learn by developing skills for research, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management.
  • Key and related concepts, helping students explore big ideas that matter.
  • Global contexts, helping students understand the relevance and importance of their learning for understanding our common humanity and shared responsibility for the planet.
MYP Subjects

There are eight subject groups in the MYP and all students are required to study all of them each year. At LIS, each subject receives an equal amount of time in the schedule and are viewed as being equally important in the education of each child. The subject groups are:

  • There are eight subject groups in the MYP and all students are required to study all of them each year. At LIS, each subject receives an equal amount of time in the schedule and are viewed as being equally important in the education of each child. The subject groups are:
  • Humanities
  • Language and Literature (English, Portuguese)
  • Mathematics
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Sciences
  • Design

In addition to studying the subjects above, students are also involved in service in each year of the programme. Much of this service will be student-initiated action in response to their learning as well as projects that may be teacher led or driven by the homeroom/wellbeing programme. In the final two years of the MYP, students are expected to become increasingly independent and take part in service as action experiences which involve a wider range of skills and student leadership.

Personal Project

"The Personal Project is the culminating experience of the MYP. It provides an opportunity for students to undertake an independent exploration into an area of personal interest. Through the process of inquiry, action and reflection students demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP. They are provided with an opportunity to share their learning with the LIS community."

To find out more about the MYP please visit the IBO’s

"Middle Years Programme information and resources"

Personal Project Showcase
20 May

Respect for ourselves and others, our environment, and our cultural contexts guides our thoughts, actions and relationships.

On Friday, 21 April 2017, LIS participated in World Earth Day. What an amazing day it was! We focused our collective efforts on this central idea: Together we can empower everyone with the knowledge to inspire action in defense of the environment.


20 May

A strong community is built on inclusion, participation, communication, kindness and mutual respect.

Luanda International School celebrated Angolan Independence Day on 10 November 2017. The celebration assembly was a real endorsement of our school mission and commitment to play a greater role here in Angola.


20 May

Respect for ourselves and others, our environment, and our cultural contexts guides our thoughts, actions and relationships.

George’s journey from Angola to the Republic of Congo did not have a happy beginning. George, a chimpanzee, was stolen from his forest home and family for the illegal pet trade. Thankfully, he was found by Dr. Cristina of Casa dos Animais.